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Week 1 - Reorder

Week 1 - Beginnings - Start a New Journey - Reorder

4 of the most potent words ever recorded   “In the beginning God. . .” (Genesis 1:1a)
Before creation … God.  Before order came to chaos . . . God. Before rhyme or reason . . . God. Prior to sense or sensibility . . . God.

In this simple statement . . . “In the beginning God” we catch a glimpse of the right order, the necessary order, the divinely approved order of the universe and, although we tend to forget this truth, the only order for our lives that actually works! I want to begin this year by issuing you a very serious challenge.

What if we got back to this place in life? What would happen if we got the order right again?
Before we begin a relationship . . . God. Before we end a relationship … God. Before we quit our present job for the new job . . . God. Before we quit church or slept in rather than going to church . . . God. Before we spent the money . . . God.

I wonder if we would get the order correct, if we would see the end of hopeless chaos in our lives.

I submit to you that if the order in our life was adjusted to make sure that: our agenda, our motivation, our dreams, our pursuits all began with God, we would see sense, fulfillment, and purpose return to our lives. I tend to believe that God in the beginning was not only the prerequisite for creation then, but is also the key ingredient in the recipe for creation now in our lives!

God ordered an entire universe! He can be trusted to order your life.


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