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    Bible Learning Time (BLT)

    BLT provides everyone in the family with the opportunity to enjoy a time of Bible study with their peers.  BLT runs during the school year, from September to June. BLT runs from 11:15 to 12 noon Sunday mornings.

    Jr. High BLT (Grade 6 to 8)

    We believe that it is important that each teen have a strong foundation through a personal relationship with their Savior.  These classes focus on how the bible stories apply to use today.   Contact:  Mark.

    Sr. High BLT (Grade 9 to 12)

    Sr. High Youth enjoy the word in a creative and relational way.  Teens can deepen their relationship with God while strengthening their relationships with each other.  Contact:  Ben.

    Adult BLT

    These classes focus on better understanding, interpreting and applying the Bible to our daily lives.  Contact:  Norm.


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