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Our Ministries

The fellowship of believers:
"They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer"...Acts 2:42

Many have wisely and correctly stated that this verse in particular and the verses that follow in Chapter 2 of Acts are really the purpose of the church.  These words reflect who we are and what it is we do as a result of who we are in Christ.  Fellowship includes, encouraging, loving, challenging, exhorting, supporting, and teaching one another.  For this reason Riverside Community Church has many opportunities to experience teaching, encouragement, fellowship, and the breaking of bread.  We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Sunday Mornings begin at 10am, when we gather for Sunday Morning Worship Service. We are located at 1040 Hilliard Street, Peterborough, Ontario.

Nursery and Toddlers programs are available starting at 10am. 

Children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 5, stay in the Sunday Morning Worship Service until 10:15am.  Then they are dismissed to enjoy the Children's Program.  

After the Sunday Morning Worship is done around 11:00am, we break for coffee, and at 11:15 am we begin Being the Church time.  Being the Church runs during the school year, from September to June. 

Other Ministries we offer throughout the year are Youth Group, Adult Bible Study Small Groups, and socials & outreach events. 

A new outreach called Music for Moppets runs Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to noon.  

For further information on any of these ministries, please see Sunday Morning Worship Service, Nursery, Toddler, Children's Program, Bible Learning Time, Youth Group, Adult Bible Study Small Groups, and social & outreach events webpages.


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